Friday, March 30, 2012

finally over \ ( ^ _ ^ ) /

Today was a really horroristic day:

i was the whole day long at the university: morning till noon at the library, afternoon on seminars, and i had to write an essay to one of my teachers.

with one word...Horrible :D

but now, I'm "curing" myself with Nisemonogatari, Kill me Baby, and with one GirlDeMo CD       :D

This weekend, I'm gonna make something I should have done long time ago. And now, time has come to finally do it :)

have a nice day!


P.S.: If already GirlDeMo... :)      Love this song, I get tears in my eyes every time I'm listening to it :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Questing Like A Boss

Today was a really good day. I had till 10am a seminar, after that I visited my friends.

We played a lot of fun games, like Rayman :D

Later, we played a lot with Monster Hunter 3. It was a really long questing ( we quested almost the entire afternoon long :D )

Questing Like a Boss

Tomorrow will be the hell itself: I'll have from 12 till half past 4 seminars :(

I'll manage to survive somehow :D

have a nice day


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A good day with a good ending

Like the title says, today was a really good, funny day.

After school, i met with my friends and watched South Park :D

Now, i continue my aim, to catch up with Fairy Tail. The story is this time may a bit boring (a lot of meaningless talk, less fight :S ) , but the fight scenes are really epic and awesome.

If I catch up, I have prepared the next anime to watch, which is a 11 episodes-long one. I watched the previous season of it, and I liked it, so I hope, this will be the same.

Only 5 days till GoT... :D

adizz00 over, and out. ;)

Monday, March 26, 2012

My mind got blown :D

Today was a heavy day. although i had just two seminars. I became so tired I almost fell asleep. :D

After school, my mind got cleared. I made some funny comics using Photoshop :)

Next, I'm gonna watch some Fairy Tail, I'm almost up-to-date with this anime.

Tomorrow, I have only one seminar. After that, I try to call over one of my friends, for watch Tv or play computer:)

Don't forget: only six more days till Game of Thrones 2nd season premiere :)

Sunday is coming...April is coming...WAR is coming.

That's all for now, have a good day :)


This blog is Stark territory :D

Awwwwwww yeah!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Let's get it started :D

Húha, mit is mondjak...eljött ennek is az ideje, hogy blogolásba öljem az időmet :D

A mai naptól rendszeresen igyekezek beszámolni a dolgokról :)

Csapjunk is bele a lecsóba :

A mai napon megnéztem azon animéket, amivel még el voltam maradva (Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki, Naruto Shippuuden), valamint folytattam a Fairy Tail beérésére tett kísérletemet. Igen jól haladok, a 97. résznél tartok jelenleg. Ez egy olyan kedves anime, ami mindig tud meglepetéseket okozni, változatos, olykor szívszorító :)

Már csak egy hét van hátra a Trónok harca 2. évadának premieréig. Nagyon várom már, igaz, már olvastam a Királyok csatáját. Azonban, mint azt tudjuk, a megfilmesítés és a regény nem mindig egy és ugyanaz...

Végre nem felejtettem el elhozni otthonról a PSP-met Szegedre, így akár még multi is lehet a héten :D

Első bejegyzésnek elég is ennyi, holnap folyt. köv. :D

leendő blogkoptató kisiparos :D