Monday, May 21, 2012

A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e07

Sorry guys for the long break, I have a really tiresome week behind me with lots of tests and stuff :S

BUT I'm here with last week's episode, which is No. 17, A Man without Honor (who could it be?)

Let's recap! :D

I'm gonna try out a new method: I'm not following the timeline of an episode, but i sort them out to the different locations. Let's see, how effective will that be.

At Winterfell , Theon the Super-Traitor wakes up in the morning after a very effective night, BUT WAIT- Where is the wild woman (Osha)? Where are the half-wit (Hodor), the small one (Rickon) and the cripple (Bran) too?! Somebody let them escape at night...well, poor guy lies dead on the court, we should punish someone...OH WAIT - we have our loudmouth pirate, who wanted to educate us while leaving Pyke! He'll be ideal for this job...

Greyjoy beats the shit out of the guy, after that, he goes on a hunt with Master Luwin. The old man tries to convince Theon about not harming the boys, but that bastard says only one sentence: " It's all just a game! "   Well, hanging you would be just a game too, I hope, Jigsaw will find you sooner or later... :D

On the periphery of Winterfell, we find our escape troop on their way. "We should have bring more food", says Osha. They spot a farmhouse, and realize, that the orphan children, those who were sent here by Bran to help an old man are living here."Maybe they give us some food", says Rickon, "But it's not a really safe idea, with Greyjoys in our back..." well, Osha deserves a sticker for this statement :D

She was right, Prince Traitor and his man arrived at the same house, but there aren't any Stark boys. Cleftjaw finds some nutshells at a haystack. (they ate nuts while wandering...this is bad)

This episode's most hilarious moments are Beyond the Wall, among the Skirling Pass. Mr. Snow and Ygritte wake up in the morning ."Did you put a knife on me in the night?" asks Ygritte Jon politely, which has the same meaning as " Did you have a boner? " (This woman is a badass :D ) Jon jumps up embarassed, and wants to forgive the thing on the spot, he commands his slave to continue their "journey". But the wild woman is grim... She talks, and talks, and talks, poor Mr. Snow is almost red like a tomatoe. :D  ( " Old Master King Crow Sir"  this is great :D C'mon guys! Let's give Rose Leslie an EMMY for this acting, she's marvelous! )

While Jon is embarassed, Ygritte decides to take a second chance to escape...this time effective. Lord Snow is surrounded by lots of wildlings. You know nothing, Jon Snow!

Meanwhile, at Harrenhal, Tywin Lannister is hosting a massive Hangman-championship (you're doing it wrong, sir :D ), beacuse of the assassination of Amory Lorch. With less luck, he could be the one dead by now, so it's understandable to discipline the guards. Arya serves him some food, but Gramps Lannister is way too picky, he hates lamb, so he gives her the food to eat (how generous! ). While he's  looking out the window, Arya takes a look on his neck. "I could stab this old fart to death", but she leaves this idea as fast as it came. Tywin gives her a quick history lesson about the battle at Harrenhal, about the three Targaryens, Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya, and about their three dragons, Vhagar, Meraxes and Balerion too. Seems like Arya knows this tale, because she corrects the old man's statements.

In King's Landing, Sansa meets with Sandor, who gives her a quick lecture about the joy of killing (this man is scary as hell! :D ). Sansa seems surprised about the topic, so she leaves quickly.

And yes...In the morning, it happened...Sansa became an adult lady. Shae tries to help her to turn the matress around, but another servant saw it too. She is going to tell it to the Queen, but Shae puts a knife to her throat. "If you tell this to that bitch, I'll give you the chance to meet with Robert Baratheon! " This method was effective, but the Hound is already at the little bird, and he's lot more stronger than that wench. Cersei gives her a lecture about how to be a good wife.

We have one more scene here with Cersei and Tyrion, but man should see this scene. I can't put it in words, how good it is built up.

At Qarth, Dany feels herself harrassed because of the lost of her dragons. Xaro tries to cheer her up: "C'mon bitch, I have a lot of precious things in my vault, come, let's check it! " But Dany doesn't care about this shit, she leaves him.

Jorah arrives, and gets news about what happened: dragons gone, Irri is dead, Doreah disappeared. Well, not a good situation. It's better not to trust anyone anymore. "If i could help you, then tell me, what should I do? " asks Mormont. The answer is: "Find my dragons! "

He meets with Quaithe, who seems to know everything (about the past and about the present too). She warns Mormont, that the Khaleesi is currently with the thief of her dragons. It's better to hurry...

Dany stands in front of the Thirteen, when Xaro Xoan Daxos and Pyat Pree tells them the truth: the dragons are in the House of the Undying, Xaro and Pyat made an arragement with each other: Xaro is now King of Qarth, he helped Pyat to take the dragons. Before realising this, lots of Pyat Prees appear, and kill the Thirteen. (like the clones in Star Wars :D ) Jorah arrives, and defends the Khaleesi, so they manage to escape from this situation.

 Alton Lannister (khmmm...ser Cleos Frey...I said: After reading the books, he'll be a Frey always in my eyes) arrived at Robb Stark's camp (C'mon! It took him 7 episodes, while Petyr done the same distance in 1, i.e.ONE episode!!! Take some lessons from Lord Baelish in time traveling! :D )
He tells Robb, that Cersei ignored his pact,and tore it apart. The Young Wolf tanks him, and wants to put him back in his cell... But there are no free cells anymore. "Then share a cell with the Kingslayer! It'll be fun! Karstark Jr. will guard you." says Robb.

But it's easy to say...Jaime kills Alton (khm...Cleos) with his chains (seriously?!   He would be the third one among Brienne and Jaime fleeing back to King's Landing in the Storm of Swords!!! Why was this necessary?! ), and suffocates Karstark Jr. too.


In the morning, a soldier appears at Cat Stark's tent, and tells her, that the Kingslayer has been caught. The crowd tries to fulfill a lynch-law, but Brienne and Cat arrive in time. They calm down the people, and command to chain down the Kingslayer stronger.

Lady Catelyn and Brienne visit Jaime in the night. He is a bit cocky, so Cat asks for the other's sword. "Your mouth is way too big, Kingslayer"

AND our last place, Winterfell... Dagmer drags Luwin on the court, and one of the most cruelest things in the history of Game of Thrones appears: Theon hangs two dead children. But there is one more sad condition: they are burned to death, covered with ashes. the scene, and the episode ends with Master Luwin's tantalizing scream.


I think,Benioff and Weiss made this scene not as confusing, like the scene in the book. There were the cheeks of the two children skived, so it was easier to believe, that they were actually poor Bran and Rickon. With this method of the series, you can't fool anyone so effectively, like in the books. 
Thank's for your patience, stay tuned for the next recap.

A Tully, whose house may appear in season 3


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