Monday, May 28, 2012

A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e09

Like I promised, today's d-d-d-DOUBLE BLOG TIME!

Let's continue with yesterday's episode, which was no. 19, with the title "Blackwater"

Well, the location themed recap fails this time, because we had in this episode only one location: King's Landing. Then, let's begin!

As the bookreaders knew, a massive battle at Blackwater-bay was coming in the books at this time. Well, I liked this episode very much. They managed to build up a really awesome, breath-taking, fascinating battle scene, which were lacking before. But this episode compensates this lack, I'm sure about it. :)


The episode begins on the ships of Stannis the Ham, whose men are sailing towards King's Landing. Davos is exchanging some toughts about the upcoming battle. A typical father-son moment :)

At the Red Keep, Tyrion has problems with sleeping. Shae wakes up too, and asks her lion, what is bohering him. "They're gonna kill every Lannister, if they get a hand on King's Landing." Well, that's true... Cersei gets a vial of poison from Pycelle, which is called nightshade (is it's name familiar? )

Meanwhile, Bronn is having a good time among some soldiers, women and good ale, and they sing "The Rains of Castamere". Sandor the Hound appears, and steals the good feeling from the place. He exchanges some words with Bronn, they even are going for each other with a readied blade, but the bells begin to ring, giving the signal, that the fiery stag is at the bay. 

Tyrion is getting armored up by his clumsy squire called Podrick Payne, a relative of King's Landing's dumb executioner, ser Ilyn Payne. The Imp is speaking with Varys about the supernatural things, like the red priestess of Stannis.  "By the way, this is for you." says the eunuch, giving the dwarf a map about the underground tunnel system of King's Landing.

In the Throne Room, Sansa is waiting for Joffrey's departure. The Turd wants, that Sansa should kiss his new Sword, named Hearteater ( It's a big luck it isn't called Souleater, imagine how many cash should have HBO payed for copyright issues :D ) Sansa grants his wish, and the little shit is ready to battle...Well, he would be ready, if he wouldn't scared like hell. He's standing on the ramparts with Clegane and Tyrion, but he already crapped his pants from fear. He wants to attack right now, but Tyrion commands him to stay calm, they need to get closer.  Davos is meanwhile a bit uneasy, because of the lack of the defense:  "There aren't any enemy ships."

Meanwhile at the Maegor, the women and children of the Red Keep are sheltered. Sansa asks the queen,what does Ilyn Payne do here? "he defends us." answers the queen. Shortly, Cersei gets news about some maids, who tried to escape with some gold and stuff. "They should behead them", orders Cersei.

Menwhile, the soldiers of King's Landing are able now to see the fleet of the Ham.  They get the command to draw the bows.As Stannis' fleet getscloser, Davos notices only one ship of the Lannisters. Davos orders their men to draw too. As they get near the ship, they can see, that nobody's on the deck. But the Onion Knight notices some green liquid flowing out from the ship.  At the same time, Bronn notches a flaming arrow, and fires it into the direction of the empty ship.

Davos realizes, what's going on there: "WIDFIRE!!! MATTHOS! HIT THE DECK!" But it's too late...


The shockwave of the explosion is so big, that it breaks ships like they were made of paper.  Pyromancer Hallyne was right: "If the substance once got lit, it can't be extinguished." I liked the reactions of the characters very well (Tyrion looks scared, Joff looks away, and Clegane's "Oh my god"...priceless.)

At the Maegor, Cersei got a little too drunk...and speaks with Sansa, what's exactly a woman's best weapon...Later, she explains Sansa, what's gonna happen with them, if King's Landing falls...

Despite of the burning ships, Stannis' enthusiasm wasn't taken away. He commands his men to storm the castle with boats. They are heading towards the mud gate, but it's raining flaming arrows.  Tyrion commands Lancel and Clegane to hold the gate, however, Lancel gets injured by an arrow. 

After this, he reports back to Cersei about what's happening out there. Cersei says, that he should bring Joffrey back to the Red Keep. Lancel finds this idea bad, because the morale will lower. But those are the Queen's words...

While at the Mud gate, Sandor is cutting soldiers in half. A burning soldier runs in the direction of the Hound, who freezes in panic (we know, that he has bad memories with fire, it's his weakness). But it's no problem, Bronn shoots the burning guy down. Sandor gets back to the Castle frightened. Joff and Tyrion order him to go back, but he curses them out, and goes away (it's way too risky for him to get outside). Meanwhile, Lancel arrives with Cersei's orders. The Imp says him, that he shouldn't go back, he should lead the troops out. But Joff decides : Mandon Moore and an other guard should represent him on the battlefield. While seeing the Turd going away, the soldier's morale hits the ground extremely fast. Tyrion holds an inspiring speech, which works perfectly. 

Lancel goes back again to Cersei: "The morale of the soldiers isn't high, because they saw Joffrey getting away. Let me bring him back! " Cersei knocks out Lancel, and leaves the Maegor. Shae tells Sansa, that she should lock herself away in her room, so Stannis can't kill her. She asks Shae to come with her, but Shae decides to stay, she can defend herself. Sansa gets back to her room, and LOOK Who's there! The poor, frightened, and by now drunk Sandor "The Hound" Clegane. He tells Sansa, that he's gonna escape from King's Landing, and if she wants, she could go with him. But Sansa is sadly brainwashed, so she stays. 

Tyrion and his men sneaked out from a secret tunnel to attack the men of Stannis from behind, who are trying to break the Castle's doors with a battering ram. They manage to surprise them, but shortly, he sees more of Stannis' men running towards them. ("Oh, fuck me..."   this is marvelous :D ) Tyrion tries to save himself, but he meets on the battlefield with ser Mandon Moore, a kingsguard. Moore cuts  him across the face, but before he could finish Tyrion off, a spear goes through Moore's throat. Pod was at the right time in the right place.

At the last scene, we can find a lot of viewpoint-changes: Cersei sits on the Iron Throne with Tommen, telling him a story about animals bowing down to a lion. We can see Tyrion losing slowly his consciousness. Before losing it, he realizes men riding towards Stannis' soldiers, and killing them, and the one leading them...IS RENLY?! (Well, it's clearly Renly's armor...what kind of magic is this? )
At the throne room, Cersei is about to nightshade Tommen, but the doors are opening. Renly steps in, and takes off his helmet...SURPRISE!!! It's Loras Tyrell! Behind him, Tywin enters too: ( So this was the attack they planned at nighttime! )    "It's over. We won."

Well, this was a really nice episode, I'm curious about the season finale.

Hope you enjoyed it :)

A Tully from the Riverlands,


A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e08

I start today's blog with my common apology: sorry about last week, I had to do more important things than writing. But please, cheer up: Today's d- d- d- -DOUBLE BLOG time! :D

First, about last week's episode, and after that, about yesterday's episode!

People liked last week's thematics, so this will follow the same :)

Last weeks episode was episode 18, with the title: The prince of Winterfell.


Our first location is at Winterfell. It seems like Theon and Dagmer don't want to pay the phone bills: the dead ravens are being poured out of a vessel. A guard screams: "Rider approaching! Open the gates!" That's right: Traitor-bastard's cutie sister pays a visit to her baby brother, and gets really comfy in the throne room with his men. Theon shows off : "Look sis, what a super badass your brother is! " But Yara has an other opinion: "You IDIOT! You took Winterfell, which is the home of Starks. Once Stark's bannermen get this, you'll become grinded meat!" "I don't care about it... we can hold it, even with 20 men, I'm a genius!" replies that son of a bitch. "Please, at least die at home...Even if you're a jerk, you're my brother..." Well, Yara has a caring, sensitive side too :)

At our last scene, Luwin notices Osha running out of the kitchens. "Wait a minute! If she's alive, then..." and he's right. They're all down in the crypt of Winterfell alive, and without a scratch. "Those were the farmer's boys. Bran shouldn't know it, because he would only blame himself". But Bran's awake in the neighbor room, and hears everything...

Beyond the Wall, positions changed: keeper became captive, captive became keeper. Ygritte and the wildlings took Mr. Snow to the Lord of Bones, Rattleshirt, who is one of Mance Rayder's "captains" . "Wha'?! An other crow? I have already one, don't need an other!" "Mance could interrogate him. He is the bastard of Ned Stark, and a member of the Night's Watch! He could know things..." replies the ginger woman. 

 They put Jon Snow next to the other crow, who is actually the HALFHAND! He tells Jon, that he should prove things to Mance, if he gets in front of him. Right after that, Qhorin's theatre opens it's gate: " You bastard! How could I trust you!?" yells he at Jon, while knocking him over from his feet. Ygritte doesn't like folclore, she isn't impressed by their production. We can read from her eyes: "You two can't fool me." 

Sam, Grenn and Dolorous Edd are shoveling snow on the Fist, and speculating, if Jon is still alive. But not for a long time, because Grenn finds a big stone under the snow with a sign of the First Men. It hides an old cloak, in which arrowtips and blades made of dragonglass (obsidian) are wrapped in. Why could it be here?

At Robb's camp (exactly, at the outskirts of it ) , the young wolf and the leech are having a conversation about Robb's upcoming marriage of convenience. " What is she like? How does she look like? " asks Talisa. "Errm....I don't know" answers Robb. "It's only because politics." "LOL, you shouldn't do such a thing!" reacts the woman from Volantis (the dialogue is priceless). This situation is going to get really awkward, but a soldier of Stark arrives. "The Kingslayer escaped again." "AWW, Come on?! How the hell, I put a tons of chains on him!!!" "Well...."

"MOOOOOOOM!!!! WTF have you done?! You let Jaime Lannister free?! Why?" arrives Robb "at home". "My sons are captives in Winterfell, and my daughter's are captive at King's Landing. May they let them go, if I give him back."Robb says, that this was a really bad idea, Cat will be guarded day and night. Already 40 men are after Jaime Lannister. "Send 40 more!" commands Robb.

The adventures of The Ugly And The Kingslayer begins: Brienne brings Jaime back to King's Landing. At the moment she removes the sack from Jaime's head, he starts to insult her: "OMG, you're uglier than at nighttime! " , but it seems like Brienne is wearing her anti-abuse-armor :D She puts him in a boat, and starts to row.

 Roose Bolton asks Robb if he could send his bastard, Ramsay Snow to liberate Winterfell, and capture Theon Greyjoy. "Okay, go...." replies Robb , seems like he doesn't like this plan. Talisa approaches, and wait WHAT?! In medias res, my friend...Like on the battlefield...Nice move, Robb :D

Meanwhile at Harrenhal, Tywin and his council is planning their next move. "We'll surprise them at night. Clegane, you're the new boss around here."
Arya tries to find Jaqen, but he's out for patrol. As he returns, Arya asks him to fulfill the third death: "Help us to escape." "Ohhoho! That's more than one death! " "Then my third name is Jaqen!" Okay...

As night gathers, Arya, Gendra and Hot Pie are at the gates, as planned, but it seems like, that the guards are still there. They are there, but a little less "living" :D  Jaqen did a great job. (Hope we see him in this season one more time :) )

Behind the walls of King's Landing, Tyrion is planning the defense against Stannis...well, he tries to, but his buddy, Bronn annoys him while cleaning his nails, and looking at the Imp. "You want to defend the city with books. We could throw them on the fighters of Stannis. Later, Varys arrives too. "How could we defend this city?" "With pigshit" replies the dwarf.

Later, he and Cersei are having a drink together. "You sent my daughter to Dorne, want to take my son to the battlefield, but I have something, that belongs to you!I have your whore!" . "Oh shit", thinks Tyrion, but at the time they bring Ros in, he calms down. Ros and Tyrion both play the lovers good, they manage to fool Cersei . "She will suffer as much as Joff." says the queen regent.

Tyrion runs to Shae, thank the Seven, she's alive. Tyrion confesses his love to her.

Next day, Joff the Turd shows us, that he doesn't have experiences in battles. Later, Varys and Tyrion are having a priceless conversation. "Daenerys Targaryen lives, and has three dragons" finishes Varys.

There are two quick scenes too: one on Stannis's ships, and one in Qarth. At the first, we get a bit history lesson about the siege of Storm's End, and about the future plans of Stannis the Ham. At the second one, Mormont tells Dany, that he found a ship, they can go to Astapor. "But not without my dragons!" replies the Mother of Dragons.

Well, that was it, hope you enjoyed it, stay tuned for the next blog too.

a Tully, which house's member betrayed Robb Stark sadly in this episode,

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Adizz's testing site ep. 02: Sony PlayStation VITA

"Reeeeeeeeen! I've got a surprise for youuuuu!"  -like Stimpy said in an episode of Ren & Stimpy. YES guys: I've got a SURPRISE for YOU! I layed my hand fortunately on a Sony Playstation Vita. It's exactly one week old today, so it's time to write a test-like thingy about it.

some  pics about the console itself

Well, I made some pictures about the unboxing (with my phone, because my camera wasn't by me) , but I can't show them, because I left my data cable at my sublet. I know, unboxing is a part of the review, I'll  compensate this later.

So, where should I begin? I LIKE IT! Let's start at the appearance: It's black. And shiny. And collects unfortunately the fingerprints, so it's recommended to buy a screen protection film for it. If you had a PSP before (like me) , the positions and the size of the buttons can be first time a bit bothering you (the buttons are smaller and higher than the ones on the PSP), but later, you'll get used to it. The new handheld of sony became two analog sticks, which are real analog sticks, not like the slide-thingy on the little brother. This little fella got a PS button too. ( Okay, I had only a PSP 1004 "Phat" , so it's new for me. I know, that PSP 3000 had one already...) The whole console obtained a very nice round shape, which looks very nice. It has two cameras, a front and a rear one. They are not the best cameras, but this console isn't made for photographing, it's only for Skype and AR-technology games. It got a touchpad on it's back too, which brings gaming on a whole new level. (btw., it has SIXAXIS too :D)
size comparison of the cards

I found only one disadvantage of the appearance: The charger uses the same slot as the data transfer, so you can't copy stuff while charging :(

Next: Screen. The screen is a bit bigger than the one in the PSP, it has a resolution of 960x544. It's an OLED multi-touch screen with marvelous colors. (SCREEN PROTECTING FILM!!! )

And finally, let's talk about the "software-part", so LiveArea, and the games. The user interface of PlayStation Vita is called LiveArea (by PSP, it was XMB) It's a really pleasant menu of this device: We can hear a sweet, welcome music in the menu, the icons are lightly moving.

my LiveArea screens. I know, I'm sort of a Hentai (pervert), but WHO ISN'T?! :D
The LiveArea is customizable: You can add more work spaces (default are 3), change the position of the icons, change the background, and change the start screen too. ( may better known as lock screen) What i found cool, that you can make screensnaps in the LiveArea, and in the games too.
my lock (or start) screen. BRS!!! :3
Let's take a look at each icon:

-Music: no comment ( the sounds of the VITA are quite good, we have a lot of EQ-s too to make each music sound better)

the beautiful pink music player! :D(sarcasm)

-Video: no comment again (i tried it out with a "720p" mp4, it was a nice viewer experience)
-Photos: ... (here can you see your photos, and  access the camera)
-Content Manager: this app helps you to transfer stuff from the PS VITA system to a PC or PS3 , or reverse.
-Settings: ... (with a lot of setting chances)
-Browser: Internet browser, unfortunately STILL without Flash-support :(
-Friends: Here can you add friends from PSN, manage them.
-Trophies: To watch your or your friend's trophies
-PS Store: to buy new games, download demos and apps
-Group messaging: You can send messages to your friends, or read the ones they wrote to you
-Map: .....
-Near: A new feature of Sony, It's similar to Microsoft's Xbox Live Social
-Party: you can make custom games involving your friends.
-Remote Play: Use the PS VITA system as a controller of a PS3-cevice.
-Welcome Park: A very nice introductionary software for new VITA-users to help them to meet the new features of this system (WITH Trophies! )

I have not much gaming experience, I played till now with WipeOut 2048 (It's an awesome but REALLY HARD game, however I like it.), and tried the Demo of Shinobido 2 ( This game is fascinating, I like it's graphics, could be a potential future full game of mine :D )

A screenshot from WipeOut 2048
And finally, some test photos:

I'm out of ideas, so I call this test done :D

Hope you enjoyed it, stay tuned for the night; brace yourself: A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e08 is coming! :D


Monday, May 21, 2012

A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e07

Sorry guys for the long break, I have a really tiresome week behind me with lots of tests and stuff :S

BUT I'm here with last week's episode, which is No. 17, A Man without Honor (who could it be?)

Let's recap! :D

I'm gonna try out a new method: I'm not following the timeline of an episode, but i sort them out to the different locations. Let's see, how effective will that be.

At Winterfell , Theon the Super-Traitor wakes up in the morning after a very effective night, BUT WAIT- Where is the wild woman (Osha)? Where are the half-wit (Hodor), the small one (Rickon) and the cripple (Bran) too?! Somebody let them escape at night...well, poor guy lies dead on the court, we should punish someone...OH WAIT - we have our loudmouth pirate, who wanted to educate us while leaving Pyke! He'll be ideal for this job...

Greyjoy beats the shit out of the guy, after that, he goes on a hunt with Master Luwin. The old man tries to convince Theon about not harming the boys, but that bastard says only one sentence: " It's all just a game! "   Well, hanging you would be just a game too, I hope, Jigsaw will find you sooner or later... :D

On the periphery of Winterfell, we find our escape troop on their way. "We should have bring more food", says Osha. They spot a farmhouse, and realize, that the orphan children, those who were sent here by Bran to help an old man are living here."Maybe they give us some food", says Rickon, "But it's not a really safe idea, with Greyjoys in our back..." well, Osha deserves a sticker for this statement :D

She was right, Prince Traitor and his man arrived at the same house, but there aren't any Stark boys. Cleftjaw finds some nutshells at a haystack. (they ate nuts while wandering...this is bad)

This episode's most hilarious moments are Beyond the Wall, among the Skirling Pass. Mr. Snow and Ygritte wake up in the morning ."Did you put a knife on me in the night?" asks Ygritte Jon politely, which has the same meaning as " Did you have a boner? " (This woman is a badass :D ) Jon jumps up embarassed, and wants to forgive the thing on the spot, he commands his slave to continue their "journey". But the wild woman is grim... She talks, and talks, and talks, poor Mr. Snow is almost red like a tomatoe. :D  ( " Old Master King Crow Sir"  this is great :D C'mon guys! Let's give Rose Leslie an EMMY for this acting, she's marvelous! )

While Jon is embarassed, Ygritte decides to take a second chance to escape...this time effective. Lord Snow is surrounded by lots of wildlings. You know nothing, Jon Snow!

Meanwhile, at Harrenhal, Tywin Lannister is hosting a massive Hangman-championship (you're doing it wrong, sir :D ), beacuse of the assassination of Amory Lorch. With less luck, he could be the one dead by now, so it's understandable to discipline the guards. Arya serves him some food, but Gramps Lannister is way too picky, he hates lamb, so he gives her the food to eat (how generous! ). While he's  looking out the window, Arya takes a look on his neck. "I could stab this old fart to death", but she leaves this idea as fast as it came. Tywin gives her a quick history lesson about the battle at Harrenhal, about the three Targaryens, Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya, and about their three dragons, Vhagar, Meraxes and Balerion too. Seems like Arya knows this tale, because she corrects the old man's statements.

In King's Landing, Sansa meets with Sandor, who gives her a quick lecture about the joy of killing (this man is scary as hell! :D ). Sansa seems surprised about the topic, so she leaves quickly.

And yes...In the morning, it happened...Sansa became an adult lady. Shae tries to help her to turn the matress around, but another servant saw it too. She is going to tell it to the Queen, but Shae puts a knife to her throat. "If you tell this to that bitch, I'll give you the chance to meet with Robert Baratheon! " This method was effective, but the Hound is already at the little bird, and he's lot more stronger than that wench. Cersei gives her a lecture about how to be a good wife.

We have one more scene here with Cersei and Tyrion, but man should see this scene. I can't put it in words, how good it is built up.

At Qarth, Dany feels herself harrassed because of the lost of her dragons. Xaro tries to cheer her up: "C'mon bitch, I have a lot of precious things in my vault, come, let's check it! " But Dany doesn't care about this shit, she leaves him.

Jorah arrives, and gets news about what happened: dragons gone, Irri is dead, Doreah disappeared. Well, not a good situation. It's better not to trust anyone anymore. "If i could help you, then tell me, what should I do? " asks Mormont. The answer is: "Find my dragons! "

He meets with Quaithe, who seems to know everything (about the past and about the present too). She warns Mormont, that the Khaleesi is currently with the thief of her dragons. It's better to hurry...

Dany stands in front of the Thirteen, when Xaro Xoan Daxos and Pyat Pree tells them the truth: the dragons are in the House of the Undying, Xaro and Pyat made an arragement with each other: Xaro is now King of Qarth, he helped Pyat to take the dragons. Before realising this, lots of Pyat Prees appear, and kill the Thirteen. (like the clones in Star Wars :D ) Jorah arrives, and defends the Khaleesi, so they manage to escape from this situation.

 Alton Lannister (khmmm...ser Cleos Frey...I said: After reading the books, he'll be a Frey always in my eyes) arrived at Robb Stark's camp (C'mon! It took him 7 episodes, while Petyr done the same distance in 1, i.e.ONE episode!!! Take some lessons from Lord Baelish in time traveling! :D )
He tells Robb, that Cersei ignored his pact,and tore it apart. The Young Wolf tanks him, and wants to put him back in his cell... But there are no free cells anymore. "Then share a cell with the Kingslayer! It'll be fun! Karstark Jr. will guard you." says Robb.

But it's easy to say...Jaime kills Alton (khm...Cleos) with his chains (seriously?!   He would be the third one among Brienne and Jaime fleeing back to King's Landing in the Storm of Swords!!! Why was this necessary?! ), and suffocates Karstark Jr. too.


In the morning, a soldier appears at Cat Stark's tent, and tells her, that the Kingslayer has been caught. The crowd tries to fulfill a lynch-law, but Brienne and Cat arrive in time. They calm down the people, and command to chain down the Kingslayer stronger.

Lady Catelyn and Brienne visit Jaime in the night. He is a bit cocky, so Cat asks for the other's sword. "Your mouth is way too big, Kingslayer"

AND our last place, Winterfell... Dagmer drags Luwin on the court, and one of the most cruelest things in the history of Game of Thrones appears: Theon hangs two dead children. But there is one more sad condition: they are burned to death, covered with ashes. the scene, and the episode ends with Master Luwin's tantalizing scream.


I think,Benioff and Weiss made this scene not as confusing, like the scene in the book. There were the cheeks of the two children skived, so it was easier to believe, that they were actually poor Bran and Rickon. With this method of the series, you can't fool anyone so effectively, like in the books. 
Thank's for your patience, stay tuned for the next recap.

A Tully, whose house may appear in season 3


Monday, May 7, 2012

A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e06

Another week, another new episode of Game of Thrones, with the title: The old Gods and the new. 

Let's make a quick recap about it, shall we? :)

Our first location, Winterfell. I knew, this moment would come sooner or later, I hoped, that it will come later, but here it is sadly: The Siege of Winterfell.

I liked Theon in the books till the point he decides to take Winterfell. He's nothing more in my eyes as a last traitor bastard! Ok, enough with that, I have lot to write about.


You little...
Theon the Super-traitor arrived to Winterfell with his men, and commands Bran to yield. Bran can't do much about this situation, so he accepts Theon's command. Greyjoy's first task for Master Luwin is to send a raven to Pyke about the fall of Winterfell, and another to her sister, to send him men. Osha offers herself as a slave for Theon (this will be important later.) Two "swords" of Theon return with the Master-at-Arms of Winterfell, the funny bearded ser Rodrik Cassel. Greyjoy wants to imprison him till he lives, but Cleftjaw has an other idea (how nice to have advisors as a new leader :D ) : he should kill him, to show, that he is talking serious. Dagmer wants to do the task, but Eddard Stark said once, repeats Rodrik : "A man who passes the sentence, should swing the sword." And Theon swings it....4 times, plus a kick is needed to detach ser Rodrik's head from his body. Another main character of the books says farewell to the show.

 North at the Skirling Pass, Qhorin is marching to the planned ambush point with Jon Snow, Stonesnake and two other rangers. Their conversation is about the free folk, the wildlings. Qhorin reminds Jon, that they should take these fights serious, they are fighting against the North itself. The rules are strict, no mistakes are allowed. You know nothing, Jon Snow... :D

In the quick intersection, Tywin greets a guest at his camp in Harrenhal. Guess, who it is? If you were giving the answer "Petyr Baelish", then congrats, you were correct! They are speaking with each other about the war, while Arya is busy hiding her face from Littlefinger. But she makes a small mistake, and I'm not sure anymore, if Petyr recognized her, or not. He may, because he comes up with Cat Stark as his next topic.

Skirling Pass again, the ambush is ready to be fulfilled. It's a very good tactic: Jon attacks from left, Qhorin from the right, while Stonesnake aids them with some arrows.  Two guards have been taken down, Jon is about to kill the third one, BUT wait! SHE is a WOMAN! And she is KISSED BY FIRE by the way! Ygritte (that's her name, and she is my favourite woman character in the ASOIAF-saga btw.) says, that they should burn the corpses, and informs them about the northern forces a bit. Qhorin gives Jon the command to kill her. Lord Snow has to do something with the wildling for sure, because he misses the strike. She tries to escape, but Jon manages to catch her by tackling out her foot. 

Don't do anything stupid
King's Landing, Myrcella has been sent off to Dorne. On the way back to the castle, a riot is starting at the streets of King's Landing. The Lannisters (unfortunately Joffrey and Cersei too ) manage to get out of the situation, thanks to the guards and the Hound. The septon wasn't so lucky: he had been thorn apart by the angry villagers. Sansa got lost in the crowd, 3 men are gonna rape her. But Sandor Clegane comes, and shows those three, that he is no joke: he tears out with the help of a dagger the guts of a guy, and slices the other two, like some vegetables for a soup :D. He saves her, everybody in the castle is happy, except of Joffrey, who got cowshit on his face, and got bitchslapped by Tyrion. HE DESERVED IT! xD

Rescue arrived
 Daenerys is having an argument with the Spice King about getting ships to go back to Westeros. He is a fag, so he leaves. Poor Danny is left behind like a piece of garbage.

Harrenhal, Arya lays a hand on a document, in which his brother, Robb is mentioned. He runs right into ser Amory Lorch, who is going to warn Tywin about it. But Arya "whispers"  (actually, she screams ) the second name in the ear of the Lorathi Jaqen H'ghar, who takes Lorch out with a blowdart. AWESOME!

At the Stark camp, Robb meets Talisa again, and they are having a priceless conversation. Cat and Birenne dropped in too, but shortly, Roose Bolton arrives as well, with a letter from the north (Come on Bolton, TAKE YOUR ASS TO HARRENHAL! YOU SHOULD BE THERE! :D )

It's getting dark in the snowy north, Jon is trying to find Qhorin and the others, but he and his slave, Ygritte need to take a rest for night. They should sleep close to each other, or they'll freeze, advises the wildling, Jon accepts it hardly.

Osha offers herself as a gift for Theon. After the sexy time, she escapes from Winterfell with Bran, Rickon, Hodor and the two direwolves, Summer and Shaggydog. (I said, that scene will be important)

Master assassin Osha :D
And our last skit, at Qarth: Dany arrives at her "housing" with Xaro Xoan Daxos, but something serious happened here: The guards are killed, and the three dragons are missing too. At the very last seconds, we can hear them, while some evil-looking guy is taking them away. HOW CRUEL!

What a mess...

Hope you liked it, stay tuned for next week.

A Tully, friend of Starks


Saturday, May 5, 2012

A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e05

After another week, I'm back again, sorry for the long time. :)

I'm here with episode 15, which title is: The ghost of Harrenhal. Very spooky title :D

Let's make a quick recap, shall we?

Our first scene is at Storm's End, where Renly the Gay and Catelyn Stark are having a conversation with each other, but not too long, because last episode's awesome newborn shadow baby (if you took a close look in the mirror, whose shape has it? :)  ) stabs Renly in the chest, Gethin Anthony leaves the series (CGI was breath-taking again, the shadow knife and the squirting blood looked amazing). Two kingsguards rush into the tent, but Brienne chops them down like they were just onions :D. Cat and Brienne should escape Storm's End, because they're the suspected killers of the younger Baratheon-brother.

Question in the brackets :)

 Stannis the Ham is approaching Storm's end with his fleet, Littlefinger convinces the Tyrell-siblings to go back to Highgarden, because Renly's bannermen will join Stannis, and that's no good thing for House Tyrell.

King's Landing, Tyrion and her "dear sister" got the news, that Renly the Gay was killed, and Renly's bannermen joined Stannis's army. The dwarf warns Cersei too, that Stannis the Ham has now the biggest army in Westeros, but dumb Queen regent doesn't give a single fock. Uncle Imp wants to know things about the war preparations too, but Cersei ins't in the mood to tell him the things. But fortunately, we blackmailed last episode our dear Jaime-replacement called Lancel Lannister, and he's giving us informations like the best snitchers. And the promise at the end of the scene made me laugh :D

Meanwhile, the Ham arrived at Storm's End. His right hand ( to be precise, his shorter-with-some-fingerbones-right hand :D ) Davos is requesting Stannis , that they should leave the red priestess maegi Asshaii Melisandre at Dragonstone while attacking King's Landing. (Looks like Davos got scared like hell at the birth of the shadowbaby)Stannis accepts after a bit arguing Davos's request. The name Blackwater bay was mentioned first time in this season. (remember this name, awesomeness will happen here :D )

In the next short scene, Bronn and Tyrion are going to wisit the alchemist guild. On their way, they hear a preacher ho is shouting out "rumors" about the whole Lannister-family (demon monkey :D I almost died from laughing when I heard it. Btw, what's gonna happen in King's Landing, when we have such people on the streets? I know the answer already... :)  )

Let's head to Pyke where super-traitor Theon Greyjoy gets his single ship, the Sea Bitch. The crew of the ship is a bit cocky, Theon needs to prove. We meet a new character called Dagmer Cleftjaw, who fraternizes with Theon easily. Theon says him, that he is disappointed about his task, but Cleftjaw calms him down, and tells him, that he can come out of this task more better than he imagines it. Theon is richer with a smile and a new buddy.

Dagmer Cleftjaw

At Harrenhal, Arya is doing her job as a cupbearer very good, and as Tywin asks she about her origin, she solves the situation really good. On the way to bring water, she meets with Jaqen H'ghar (a Lannister armor? Come on....) He tells her, that she owes the Red God with three deaths. Arya wants to give a hard task for the Lorathi man, but he accepts her decision about taking out the Tickler. (Seriously? The Tickler? He had tasks in the 3rd book! Okay, Weese and Chiswyck weren't cast, she had to pick somebody...But, btw: who will be the second name, if Weese isn't in the series too? I'm curious...)

Let's wisit the Night's watch, whose man arrived at the Fist of the First men. Sam is real fascinated, Jon considers the landscape, and Dolorous Edd.....well, he is just being Dolorous Edd on his funny, sarcastic way :D (like this guy's jokes :D )

In the catacombs of King's Landing, Tyrion meets pyromancer Hallyne, who shows us the "substance". (what a nice greenish colour, i cant wait to see it bur.......khmm, burried away for ethernity :D). The Imp gets surprised (and me too) after seeing the endless floor full of jugs with wildfire. 
What an awesome colour :)
 In Qarth, Daenerys is teaching Dr..(fuuuu, mustn't spoiler!), i mean, his dragon the spell "Dracarys". The small CGI creature learns quickly and gulps the roasted flesh down. At some kind of square, Kovarro and an other dothraki are acting very funny at a golden peacock-statue. ( don't misunderstand me, I'm no racist, but this scene reminds me actually on an existing folk...sorry, it's a sad, but true story :S ) BUT old geezer Pyat Pree arrives, and shows us, that he is very professional in maths ( HE'S ACTUALLY MIRRORING HIMSELF AROUND AN INVISIBLE AXIS!!! What a nerd! :D ) Quaithe, the shadowbinder makes her first appearance in the series , and says Jorah, that it's better to be careful.)
Looks like Cat and Brienne managed o get away from Storm's End. Brienne pledges her allegiance to Lady Stark, and she accepts that pledge. ( This is a beginning of something interesting...)

At Winterfell, the smallest Stark, Rickon is bored to death, and is cracking some nuts.( If there gonna be a theathre play about Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker, please, cast Rickon for the Nutcracker!) The man with the funny beard (ser Rodrick) arrives and tells Bran, that Torrhen's square is under siege. Bran commands him to take 200 men with him to hold the lines. Later, Bran tells Osha that he had a weird dream: the ocean came to Winterfell, and people drowned in it, ser Rocrick too. ( what could this dream mean... :D )

Meanwhile, the most awesome ranger of Eastwatch, the Bear Grylls of Westeros, Qhorin Halfhand arrives at the Fist. He notices a campfire far away, and plans a surprise, silent ambush on the people at it. (you know, like a ninja) He needs brave men for this task, so Lord Commander allows Jon to go with Halfhand along with Stonesnake and some other people.

Mr. Halfhand
 Back to our tropical paradise Qarth, where Xaro Xoan Daxos plans to give Dany half of his goods, so she can buy an army, horses and ships to go back to Westeros. He asks only one thing for it: to marry him. Dany tells this to her advisor, but he says, that it's dangerous to believe in him. He offers Dany, that he will search a good ship and a captain for her. 

And our last scene, between the dragonfire-melted walls of Harrenhal. ( btw, did you notice, that there were no boobs and no sex in this episode? :O What's happening? :D )
Arya is watching Gendry at work, when a scream interrupts their conversation. They're going over to see what happened, and guess who is laying on the ground dead? Yes, the Tickler. Arya is shorter with a dead, and she glimpses Jaqen,who is watching her from the walls of the castle. She realizes, that the Lorathi is serious, and she shouldn't waste her two remaining deaths for weaklings.

The man has killed one. A girl has two more deaths.

Thanks for your patience, hope you liked it :)

an anonym Tully


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Adizz's testing site ep. 01: Sony PSV 22037

One week ago, my old earphones died, so I had to buy a new one. Calculating with the fact, that I will be richer with a Playstation Vita in a few weeks, I decided to buy the official in-ear headset of Playstation Vita, with the type code PSV 22037. 

First, let's take a look at the used material. It has not a such plasticky feel like my old headset, these plugs are made of some kind of metally thing. They look very good with the engraved Playstation emblem on each end

The mentioned PS-engravement

The mic, decorated with the PSVITA logo

The headset came with 3 different rubber bells. The smallest disappeared in my ears, I couldn't put the biggest one even in my ear, the good old medium fits good. First, it hurt my ears, but now I got used to it. It has a mic too, to chat with other Vita-gamers while multiplaying. This headset doesn't have a special connector, it has a simple 3.5 mm jack.

The headset itself
Now about the sound quality: at first, I was surprised positively. It has a really good sound. It has not such ass-kicking bass like a Koss The Plug, but it's still pretty good. I tested it out with my good old method: "The Chemical Brothers - Under the Influence" (I can only recommend this song for bass tests. :)
The high sounds and the deep ones are both awesome.

I warn you, this isn't a professional test, these are only my opinions, the opinions of an inexpert guy :D
BUT! I strongly recommend this headset! It's really worth of it's price.

Friday, April 27, 2012

A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e04

After a short break, I'm back! (I had tons of tasks to do :S ) 

We got last sunday another new episode of Game of Thrones, with a bit creepy title: "Garden of Bones"

Let's do a quick recap adizz00-style, shall we? :)

Our intro-map changed a bit again, like it did from episode to episode. Our new locations in this week's intro are the dragonfire-melted creepy castle called Harrenhal, and Qarth,an amazing city in the Red Waste, which changes our good old Vaes Dothrak. By the way, the makers of this intro added the awesome-looking red comet too.
New location!

Our first spot in this episode is a Lannister camp, where a soldier called Rennick is teasing one of his colleagues, but he gets paid back by Robb Stark's direwolf, Grey Wind. We are about to see an epic fighting scene between Robb's team and the Lannisters...but then comes a blackout. After we get our sight back, we can see the funny guy with a thorn-off belly. He got his reward for being so funny. Here comes my first WTF-moment in this episode:Why is Robb Stark marching on the battlefield knee-deep in corpses, WITH ROOSE BOLTON ON HIS SIDE?! Like the "hitman" said in the first season: "You're not supposed to be here!" You should be in Harrenhall with the "swords" of the Mountain. (by the way, our new Mountain isn't a Mountain, he's just a Hill :D ) . While walking there, they find a beautiful medic (I have an idea, who could she be :D ), who is trying to amputate a survivor. He is currently not very happy about it, but Robb comes, and helps to hold down the poor guy. Just hearing the bone saw made me a bit sick. :S After saving the guy, Talisa (that's her name) and Robb are having a conversation about the war, and the future, but the expactations are not too clean.

In King's Landing, Joffrey proves us something: there is no END LEVEL OF BEING AN ASSHOLE! :D

He is putting a crossbow in Sansa's face, and saying , that killing her would send Robb a message. Ser Meryn shows us, that he is a real gentleman, by punching Sansa in her stomach with his fist covered in a chain mail glove, and hitting her with the side of his sword. Tyrion comes, saves Sansa, and Bronn gives the idea to The Imp, that they should get a whore for Joff, maybe his anger will fly away.

Little piece of shit...

But they are wrong...

Joff asks one of the whores (Ros), to hit the another one, first bare handed, later with a leather belt. Ros realizes, that this is no more for pleasure, but there is no way back. Joff asks her to hit Daisy harder. He gives her a stag's head sceptre, and aims towards them with a crossbow. The only noise we hear is a cracking sound, and Daisy's scream. What a little fetishist shithead!

In Storm's End, Littlefinger has first a conversation with king-nominee  Renly Baratheon, later with Margaery Tyrell . Both conversations are interesting, man should see them. (by the way, Margaery's dress is a bit pathetic. She needs to wear a snorkel ewerytime it's raining, or she'll drown. :D

It seems like Bear Grylls heard my call for help: Kovarro returns to Daenerys with another horse and with the info, that there's a town ahead, where the people would like to see the Mother of Dragons.

Arya and the others arrive to Harrenhal, a castle which is not in a very good shape . They got imprisoned, they meet the first time the dirty methods of the Tickler.

the hill (NO MOUNTAIN!)

At Storm's End, Petyr arrives to Cat's tent. She is-with reasons-very angry at him. :D Petyr offers to change the Kingslayer out with Sansa and Arya, and she will get the bones of Lord Stark back too. It's a really hard decision.

Back to Harrenhal, the Hill (he doesn't deserve the name "mountain" :D ) is picking another prisoner for tickling. The tickling method is interesting: they put a rat in a bucket and they mount the bucket on the stomach of the unlucky guy. A man starts to heat the bucket with a torch, and the rat has only one way to escape...

The Tickler

This night, Arya starts her famous prayer: "Joffrrey, Cersei, Ilyn Payne, the Hound", which is later extended by Polliver and the Hill (I will not call him Mountain, because he doesn't deserves it :D )

The Baratheon-brothers, Renly the Gay, and Stannis the Ham (he has born  amidst salt and smoke ) are trying to negotiate, unfortunately without any effect.


Dany arrives at Qarth, where the welcome is not as sweet as she thought. But we have Xaro Xoan Daxos there, who saves Dany and her Khalasar from dying and augmenting the Garden of Bones.

He invokes Soumai, whatever it means :D

Again Harrenhal, Gendry has been chosen to get tickled, but JULIUS CAESAR RIDES IN! (nope, it's just Tywin Lannister :)), Gendry gets work as a blacksmith, and Arya becomes the cupbearer of Grand daddy Lannister (who is the only one realising , that Arya is actually a girl :D )

In King's Landing, first season's loser called Lancel Lannister gets very strong OWNED by the dwarf. Tyrion got a spy.

Davos is assigned to smuggle Melisandre with a boat to the shore. As they arrive, Melisandre takes down her cloak and here comes the surprise: She got pregnant IN ABOUT AN AFTERNOON! (she was still skinny while negotiating). She begins to give birth on the shore, Davos is scared from her witchery. But it's not a baby, what's coming out from there. IT'S A SHADOW! What kind of sorcery is this? The CGI is again a masterpiece.


Hope you liked this week's recap too, tune in for next week's too.


adizz00, a member of house Tully.