Saturday, April 28, 2012

Adizz's testing site ep. 01: Sony PSV 22037

One week ago, my old earphones died, so I had to buy a new one. Calculating with the fact, that I will be richer with a Playstation Vita in a few weeks, I decided to buy the official in-ear headset of Playstation Vita, with the type code PSV 22037. 

First, let's take a look at the used material. It has not a such plasticky feel like my old headset, these plugs are made of some kind of metally thing. They look very good with the engraved Playstation emblem on each end

The mentioned PS-engravement

The mic, decorated with the PSVITA logo

The headset came with 3 different rubber bells. The smallest disappeared in my ears, I couldn't put the biggest one even in my ear, the good old medium fits good. First, it hurt my ears, but now I got used to it. It has a mic too, to chat with other Vita-gamers while multiplaying. This headset doesn't have a special connector, it has a simple 3.5 mm jack.

The headset itself
Now about the sound quality: at first, I was surprised positively. It has a really good sound. It has not such ass-kicking bass like a Koss The Plug, but it's still pretty good. I tested it out with my good old method: "The Chemical Brothers - Under the Influence" (I can only recommend this song for bass tests. :)
The high sounds and the deep ones are both awesome.

I warn you, this isn't a professional test, these are only my opinions, the opinions of an inexpert guy :D
BUT! I strongly recommend this headset! It's really worth of it's price.

Friday, April 27, 2012

A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e04

After a short break, I'm back! (I had tons of tasks to do :S ) 

We got last sunday another new episode of Game of Thrones, with a bit creepy title: "Garden of Bones"

Let's do a quick recap adizz00-style, shall we? :)

Our intro-map changed a bit again, like it did from episode to episode. Our new locations in this week's intro are the dragonfire-melted creepy castle called Harrenhal, and Qarth,an amazing city in the Red Waste, which changes our good old Vaes Dothrak. By the way, the makers of this intro added the awesome-looking red comet too.
New location!

Our first spot in this episode is a Lannister camp, where a soldier called Rennick is teasing one of his colleagues, but he gets paid back by Robb Stark's direwolf, Grey Wind. We are about to see an epic fighting scene between Robb's team and the Lannisters...but then comes a blackout. After we get our sight back, we can see the funny guy with a thorn-off belly. He got his reward for being so funny. Here comes my first WTF-moment in this episode:Why is Robb Stark marching on the battlefield knee-deep in corpses, WITH ROOSE BOLTON ON HIS SIDE?! Like the "hitman" said in the first season: "You're not supposed to be here!" You should be in Harrenhall with the "swords" of the Mountain. (by the way, our new Mountain isn't a Mountain, he's just a Hill :D ) . While walking there, they find a beautiful medic (I have an idea, who could she be :D ), who is trying to amputate a survivor. He is currently not very happy about it, but Robb comes, and helps to hold down the poor guy. Just hearing the bone saw made me a bit sick. :S After saving the guy, Talisa (that's her name) and Robb are having a conversation about the war, and the future, but the expactations are not too clean.

In King's Landing, Joffrey proves us something: there is no END LEVEL OF BEING AN ASSHOLE! :D

He is putting a crossbow in Sansa's face, and saying , that killing her would send Robb a message. Ser Meryn shows us, that he is a real gentleman, by punching Sansa in her stomach with his fist covered in a chain mail glove, and hitting her with the side of his sword. Tyrion comes, saves Sansa, and Bronn gives the idea to The Imp, that they should get a whore for Joff, maybe his anger will fly away.

Little piece of shit...

But they are wrong...

Joff asks one of the whores (Ros), to hit the another one, first bare handed, later with a leather belt. Ros realizes, that this is no more for pleasure, but there is no way back. Joff asks her to hit Daisy harder. He gives her a stag's head sceptre, and aims towards them with a crossbow. The only noise we hear is a cracking sound, and Daisy's scream. What a little fetishist shithead!

In Storm's End, Littlefinger has first a conversation with king-nominee  Renly Baratheon, later with Margaery Tyrell . Both conversations are interesting, man should see them. (by the way, Margaery's dress is a bit pathetic. She needs to wear a snorkel ewerytime it's raining, or she'll drown. :D

It seems like Bear Grylls heard my call for help: Kovarro returns to Daenerys with another horse and with the info, that there's a town ahead, where the people would like to see the Mother of Dragons.

Arya and the others arrive to Harrenhal, a castle which is not in a very good shape . They got imprisoned, they meet the first time the dirty methods of the Tickler.

the hill (NO MOUNTAIN!)

At Storm's End, Petyr arrives to Cat's tent. She is-with reasons-very angry at him. :D Petyr offers to change the Kingslayer out with Sansa and Arya, and she will get the bones of Lord Stark back too. It's a really hard decision.

Back to Harrenhal, the Hill (he doesn't deserve the name "mountain" :D ) is picking another prisoner for tickling. The tickling method is interesting: they put a rat in a bucket and they mount the bucket on the stomach of the unlucky guy. A man starts to heat the bucket with a torch, and the rat has only one way to escape...

The Tickler

This night, Arya starts her famous prayer: "Joffrrey, Cersei, Ilyn Payne, the Hound", which is later extended by Polliver and the Hill (I will not call him Mountain, because he doesn't deserves it :D )

The Baratheon-brothers, Renly the Gay, and Stannis the Ham (he has born  amidst salt and smoke ) are trying to negotiate, unfortunately without any effect.


Dany arrives at Qarth, where the welcome is not as sweet as she thought. But we have Xaro Xoan Daxos there, who saves Dany and her Khalasar from dying and augmenting the Garden of Bones.

He invokes Soumai, whatever it means :D

Again Harrenhal, Gendry has been chosen to get tickled, but JULIUS CAESAR RIDES IN! (nope, it's just Tywin Lannister :)), Gendry gets work as a blacksmith, and Arya becomes the cupbearer of Grand daddy Lannister (who is the only one realising , that Arya is actually a girl :D )

In King's Landing, first season's loser called Lancel Lannister gets very strong OWNED by the dwarf. Tyrion got a spy.

Davos is assigned to smuggle Melisandre with a boat to the shore. As they arrive, Melisandre takes down her cloak and here comes the surprise: She got pregnant IN ABOUT AN AFTERNOON! (she was still skinny while negotiating). She begins to give birth on the shore, Davos is scared from her witchery. But it's not a baby, what's coming out from there. IT'S A SHADOW! What kind of sorcery is this? The CGI is again a masterpiece.


Hope you liked this week's recap too, tune in for next week's too.


adizz00, a member of house Tully.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e03

New week,a fresh, new episode: it became the title "What is dead, may never die". As usual, a quick recap from me, adizz00.

Opening scene, beyond the Wall: Pedobear throws ruined-face Jon Snow into his house while yelling at lord commander to GTFO of his house. Mormont has a talk with Jon Snow, who tells him, what he saw: the old Pedobear takes his newborn sons into the forest, and some blue-eyed things are taking them away. Mormont doesn't seem to be surprised, Jon draws the conclusion, that HE KNOWS ABOUT THIS THING! :O
Sam gives Gilly a thimble, which is his only gift from his mother. How sweeet :)

Omg, wut teh Hell happened to ya face?!
In Winterfell, Hodor greets us - guess with what word? EXACTLY!- with a loud "Hodor!", and is going to wake up Bran. We see this scene within another badass wolfdream! Summer jumps on Bran's bed, giving the crippled little boy a quick heart-attack. After that, Bran has a little talk with Master Luwin about the wolfdreams. Master Luwin claims - wrong - that the dragons, giants and the clildren of forest died long ago.

New Location! Storm's End! King "G*ylord" Renly is hosting a joust with his lovely wife, Margaery. It's the last fight, between Renly's precious Loras Tyrell and Brienne of Tarth, who is surprisingly stronger than the little b*tch Loras. Brienne shows us an awesome WWE-move while taking Loras to the ground, Loras gives up. Brienne wants as a reward to become a part of Renly's guards. Renly grants Brienne's wish who is really happy about it. Cat arrives at Storm's End too, to negotiate with Renly. He says she has nothing to fear, the war is only about to start.
Mrs. Loras-buster, Brienne of Tarth

Iron Islands, Pyke: we have a little fight between Theon and his father, Balon. Theon's reward is a b*tchslap, which is the second one in this season (the first one was the reward of king Turd). Yara (khm...Asha) tells Theon, that it's time about to decide: go back to his little buddy, or become the most badass traitor. Theon has to choose.

King's Landing, the Hand's room: Uncle Imp's and Shae's relationship is not as fruitful as it started. Tyrion wants to smuggle Shae into the kitchens, to be a kitchen wench.Shae becomes a bit angry, beacuse Tyrion calls him a "weakness". (sorry dwarf, no s*x tonight :D )

Meanwhile, Cersei, Myrcella, Tommen and Sansa are having lunch. I feel a bit sorry about poor Sansa, it would be better, if she could become invisible.

By the way, Sansa is getting a new maiden, who is ACTUALLY Shae! ( Tyrion wants to save the situation with the night-time s*x :D ) Sansa takes her anger out on Shae so harsh, she almost cries.

Back to the Imp, with the most admirable tactic I've ever seen: He tells 3 different plans to 3 different people, who are: Littlefinger, Varys and grand master Pycelle. Pycelle gets the plan "Myrcelle to Dorne", Varys gets the plan "Myrcella to the Greyjoys", and Littlefinger the plan " Myrcella to the Eyrie". That's an awesome tactic!
I want to play a game! :D

And what now comes, is the most disgusting thing in Westeros: Renly and Loras are MAKING OUT WITH EACH OTHER!!! :@  Miss Loras becomes peevish, and gets away.
Le wild Margaery appears, who uses strip, but it's not very effective at Renly. Margaery knows about Renly's aside f*cks btw, Renly seems to be a bit surprised.

King's Landing, Cersei greets Tyrion with the sentence "How could you be such an a**hole, sending Myrcella to Dorne?! " Experiment ended succesfully, we have our little traitor. Let's visit him.

Theon made his decision, he wants the second option. He burns the letter he wanted to send to his buddy.
He reborns as supertraitorman, with the blessing of Damphair.

Littlefinger gets a little angry at Tyrion, as the dwarf tells him, that he only joked with him. The midget has a new plan, he wants to send Petyr to Renly's camp, to get together with Cat Stark.

It's visit time! The old geezer is having a sexy time with a wh*re ( holy sh*t). Old man craps himself after seeing Tyrion with Shagga and Bronn. He is going to be imprisoned in a black cell. (Btw, he got a free shave :D) Varys gives Tyrion a riddle, who decides , that he hates riddles. 
Yoren got gank'd

The convoy is resting at a castle, but Arry can't sleep. She is having a serious talk with Yoren, but they got interrupted by some Lannister guards. Yoren got gank'd by a lot of guards, and poor Lommy is saying goodbye to the series too. The guards are looking for Gendry, but Arry distracts them. (she says, that Lommy is Gendry). They're being taken to Harrenhall.
Poor Lommy is going to die
Thank's for reading, next week comes a new recap.

A member of House Tully

Monday, April 9, 2012

A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e02

New week, new episode.We got a nice easter gift from HBO, called "The Night Lands."

Let's do a quick recap of it, adizz00-style:

On the King's road, heading to the Wall: we have luck to meet the man, who is honored with the name Jaqen H'ghar (was one of my favourites in the books ), introducing himself to Arry. We can find out too, that the other two bullie's vocabulary is unfortunately a bit short :D  Rorge is a cursing pervert, while Biter doesn't "sssssssssay" too much (whoopssssssssss, ssssssssspoiler :D ) Yoren makes a goldcloak crapping himself with his badass reflexes, and gets a brand new sword for his companions. :) The "goldhamsters" were looking for Gendry, because he must be killed too, like Robert's other bastards.

King's landing, (with the famous whistle-theme, which I can whistle now fluently :D)   : Tyrion is a bit surprised, finding her dear Shae with the Spider of the Small Council. Varys tries to suck up to Tyrion, but he reminds him, that he isn't Ned Stark, and he knows about the eunuch's tricks.

Alton Lannister (khm...ser Cleos Frey) arrived with the pact of the Young Wolf. Cersei gets some skill points in paper tearing after a long break: they ignore the pact, sending Alton (Cleos) back to Robb Stark. Looks like Cersei got some lessons from Joffrey about how to be a turd, because she ignores to send more men to the Wall, and sending the bones of Lord Stark back to Winterfell too. At least, uncle Imp is still rational, the only man with that attribute in King's Landing.

Beyond the Wall, Dolorous Edd made me laugh with his joke ( want more of those jokes :) ) We could find out something about Grenn's early life (an epic life... :) ). Ghost scares Gilly while skinning a rabbit, but ser Tarly came and saved the day (he totally fell in love ). Sam introduces Gilly to Jon, and asks him to take her with them while leaving. Jon doesn't want to get shorter with a hand, so he ignores Sam's plan. Gilly is pregnant with a boy, and she behaves mysterious after the question "What's happening with the boys?"

What a nice wolf!
In the red waste across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Stormborn, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Mother of Dragons is slowly getting cooked by the sun along with her khalasar (come on Bear Grylls, HELP THEM OUT!).Rakharo's horse returns with the head of Rakharo, Irri gets a "crying seizure" (it's understandable, she loses her love with the dead of Rakharo). Dany, I can advise you only one thing: It's time to get serious! :)


Theon is doing his duty with the captain's daughter on the way to Pyke. Here can we found an interesting montage, fading from the ship to the brothel of Littlefinger (no comment, pictures are speaking for themselves :D). Ros is a bit sad about the killing of the baby, but Petyr is good at cheering up.

King's Landing, with it's biggest gambler, Tyrion, who removes Lord Janos Slynt from the City Watch with a jug of wine and some goldcloaks. (well played dwarf, well played...) Tyrion's buddy, Bronn will be the new commander of the City Watch. ( I like Bronn's way of thinking, he is my favourite too. I have a lot of favourites btw :D )

King's road, convoy : we could see an argument between Arry, Hot Pie, Lommy Greenhands (and he HAS actually GREEN HANDS, YAAAAY! o.O  The little surprises, when the book and the series are matching :) ) and Gendry about what is a battle exactly. After discussing this important question, Gendry discovers, that Arry is actually Arya from House Stark, who is being brought back to Winterfell. Gendry begins to act like a gentleman, but Arry shows us a ten point toss :D.

Iron islands, to be punctual, Pyke, our NEW LOCATION! The young lord of the Iron islands is being trolled around by his little sister, Yara (khm...Asha). His father, Balon realised, that his son became a wh*re in the hands of lord Stark (he payed for his jewellery with gold, not with "iron", aka. a sword). More surprises in the coming episodes :D

U Mad, little bro? :D
At Dragonstone, Davos Seaworth, his son, Mattos, and the pirate, Salladhor Saan are having a conversation about the true god. (Mattos is a really religious guy, while Davos and Salladhor don't truly believe in a god.) Salla wants really to have a sexy time with the biggest wh*re of King's Landing, the queen regent.

(from left to the right:) Davos, Salladhor Saan, Mattos
By the way, queen regent: Tyrion and Cersei are having a real tough arguing, but i better leave them finish it... :D

Back to Dragonstone, Melisandre is making a really big IN MEDIAS RES with Stannis (I was surprised: in the book wasn't straight written, that they're having know, with each other, there were just clues. Btw, Clarice van Houten has a very good body :D )

At the last scene, Jon finds out what's really happening with the newborn sons of Craster: he brings them out into the woods, and some blue eyed creature takes them away (well-well, what could that creature be...? :D ). At the closing scene, Jon takes a closer look on Pedobear's fresh got axe, examining it's iron content. (I was like WUT THE HELL WAS THAT?! That wasn't in the book!!! , but it was really awesome :D )

Hope you liked it, next week comes a new episode, and a new recap.

Best wishes
A Tully, ally of House Stark


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A fast recap and impressions of Game of Thrones s02e01

My waitings paid off: the first episode of the second season was really AWESOME!

My first thoughts were: they changed the story of the books on some places, but it was good though.

And now,recap á la adizz00:

In the first scene, we saw the Hound fighting with some unlucky guy. He fell over the edge, like a bag of flour :)

We can find out, that King Joffrey remained the same turd we met at the 1st season. Sansa saved the day, by making the drunk ser Dontos to the new fool of King's Landing. Uncle Imp came back from his adventures like big-bada Boom, and took his place in the small council as the King's Hand, causing her "dear sister" some headache in the coming episodes. :) Tyrion ascertained that they're f*ckd, because their negotiation with House Stark are hopeless, by letting Arya escape and beheading Ned Stark (poor Sean, why has he to die in almost every movie?)

After King's Landing, we flew over to Winterfell to attend a boring audition. But how it continues, was for me priceless: we got the wolfdreams in the series! Yaaaaaay! I was really happy when I saw this scene! We saw a bit argument between Bran and Osha, but I think, we'll get used to it later. :D

Let's go over the Narrow sea...into the red hell. The khalasar is hopeless, unless they get  some extra lesson from Bear Grylls. From the baby dragons we saw only the black one, which name I know, but doesn't want to spoiler to my friends. :D  The CGI is a masterpiece, both dragons and direwolves.

Get back to the main continent, and far to North, beyond the Wall. We met the old pedobear called Craster, who deserves his nickname. Mormont gives a bit extra lesson for Jon Snow about being the ideal shadow of him.

We reached our new destination, Dragonstone, where master Cressen is currently running a marathon ( an old geezer running? that was a bit funny for me :D ) to stop Melisandre and her witchery. Stannis becomes a slave of the new God of Dragonstone. Cressen's last hope is to start a kamikaze-mission against Melisandre, who surprisingly survives it. And the ruby on her necklace is flickering like badass :D (and Davos was real good character too, sorry for letting him out. )

Heeeeeeere doggy doggy doggy! :D
Camping á la Stark style, conversation between The Young Wolf and The Kingslayer. This part was my favourite part. We saw Grey Wind in this chapter too. It grew a lot, and became the perfect biological weapon. :D  Jaime got scared like hell.

In King's Landing, the funny wh*re and Tyrion are having a good time together , Petyr learnt, that power is power (thank you, captain Obvious, you saved our day! ),and Cersei commands her guards 
like they were just puppets.

The winner of the award "The biggest wh*re in King's Landing" :D

Back to Camp Robb: Brace yourselves, negotiations are coming! Alton Lannister (he will be for me ser Cleos Frey forever...) goes to King's Landing, Theon to Pyke, Cat to Storm's End.

King's Landing, king Joff tries to be funny, but he only gets a b*tchslap as a reward for his joke. He gets angry, and finishes off Robert's every single bastard, except of Gendry, who is going to the Wall with "Arry" and the other kids. ( by the way, Ros became a promotion, and she is leading the brothel of Littlefinger. And she is also copying his style, we saw exactly the same style used by Littlefinger in the 1st season.)

Hope you like this (i hope funny) recap, stay tuned for the next one :)


an anonym Tully, friend of House Stark

Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Winter is coming", and it's around the corner :D

The day which i waited for is finally here: The most epic series (Game of Thornes) in the history created by HBO returns today on our screens. Unfortunatelly, the premiere in my country will be tomorrow, so i have to wait one more day. But that doesn't count anymore :D

Before this day, I saw a lot  of trailers about the upcoming season, pictures of the new cast members, we spoke with my friends about the upcoming season. (exactly, only with one of my friends, because the others don't read the books  -.- " )

The North remembers...
I'm sure about one thing: the game around the Iron Throne would be very tough, there are some challengers. In the upcoming season will be more awesomeness, like CGI-technic dragons and direwolves, more visual effects, and muuuuuch-much more bloodshed. :D  Who had excuses, like "There is no fighting, It's boring, I rather watch LoTR than this...", i can only recommend to catch up with the first season, because WAR IS COMING.


a Tully, friend of Starks